The Bopha School Project has been set up to provide five rural Cambodian schools in the province of Siem Reap with menstrual health education, reusable sanitary products and hygienic school facilities, allowing girls to comfortably and confidently attend school during their menstrual cycle.
Tackling period poverty in rural Cambodia
We deliver a two day educational workshop for 11-18 year old girls and mums, helping to dismantle taboo and share hygienic period practices.
We provide each school aged participant with a Period Kit that contains reusable sanitary towels, discreet washing bags and a rucksack for carrying the products school.
We supply each primary school that we work in with a water purification tower and double latrine, allowing girls to confidently attend school during their menstrual cycle.
Period poverty affects girls around the world who have little or no access to sanitary product or can’t afford sanitary products. They may live in communities where the menstrual cycle is taboo.
Many young girls face health risks related to poor period hygiene and for this reason end up missing large parts of their education. Others, who attend schools that do not have the facilities to support menstruating girls, skip school during the week of their period.